The Best of #GiacchinoStarWarsPuns


Yesterday (16th September), one of the great modern movie score makers, Michael Giacchino, was announced as the new composer of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. He replaces the equally brilliant Alexandre Desplat, who for scheduling reasons forced by the film’s reshoots, could no longer commit to the project.

Giacchino is known for the brilliantly awful puns he and his music editors create for track titles. A few of my favourites are: Caesar No Evil, Hear No Evil (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), A Thern For The Worse (John Carter), It’s a Small Jurassic World (Jurassic World), From Russia With Shove (Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol), Cryo Your Heart Out (Star Trek Into Darkness) and arguably the greatest of them all… Hellavacopter Chase (Mission: Impossible III).

To celebrate the Star Wars news, I couldn’t resist taking to Twitter to drum up a hashtag covering all the brilliant puns Giacchino could put to use on Rogue One and any other Star Wars-based projects he may participate in in the future. My first offering was the somewhat predictable ‘When You Wish Upon A Death Star’, and there I expected the hashtag to die a sorry, unceremonious death.

How wrong I was. So here (in no particular order) are the best #GiacchinoStarWarsPuns the fine folks of Twitter threw together yesterday.

The full #GiacchinoStarWarsPuns list can be seen here